678-596-6456 Office

Below are a list of necessary forms to begin your Web Design experience with Indigo Consulting Group.  Please Print and return all applicalble forms.

Yola Client Information Form.   Fill out this form and e-mail to ICG.  This will enable us to build a framework for your website.  Please create a gmail account specifically for your business as well as provide an alternative e-mail.  Fill this form out as completely as possible, we will review during initial teleconference.

Yola client_information_form.doc Yola client_information_form.doc
Size : 0.163 Kb
Type : doc

Yola Client Checklist  Please complete this checklist before initial teleconference to ensure any content you want to include has been reviewed.  Also any additional questions or features you would like to discuss can be reviewed during teleconference.

Client_Guidance_Before_Checkin.pdf Client_Guidance_Before_Checkin.pdf
Size : 0.091 Kb
Type : pdf


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